lunes, 2 de agosto de 2010

Entran por una puerta y salen por otra

This is unbelivable! In this country nobody respect the law!
(¡Esto es increíble! ¡En este país de mierda nadie respeta las leyes! ¡Se creen que es joda esto!)

These fuckin' motherfuckers are jailed one day and they left the other!!
(¡¡Estos re malditos entran por una puerta y salen por la otra!!)

What we need is zero tolerance, you know? The solution is five hundred bricks in Central Park!
(Lo que necesitamos es mano dura, ¿sabes Johnny? Esto, con quinientos ladrillos en Central Park, se soluciona. ¡Y estos negros aprendan de una buena vez y para siempre!).

Lindsay Lohan was released from a Lynwood, Calif. jail early Monday morning and immediately checked into a treatment center. Lohan served 13 days of a 90-day sentence for violating terms of her probation in a DUI case. Her early release was due to good behavior and overcrowding.

6 comentarios:

  1. Pobre Lindsay tan bonita que era. Eso de entrar por una puerta y salir por la otra me genera sentimientos un tanto cochinos, jaja.
    No la habrán liberado porque hoy es el día del hdp? No sé, pregunto...

  2. Ernes: no puede ser que haya tan poca predisposición a debatir un tema tan importante como la excarcelación de la compañera (?) Lohan. :P

  3. Ahhhh ¿era Cumpa? Avisá! Voy a buscar algún argumento pa' debatir y luego vuelvo, jaja.
    Offtopic: por suerte arranca el fulbo. El rústico, el de la B, no esa mariconeada "para todos". Jaja.

  4. Acá los bancamos al Lobo jujeño y a los Santos de la Ciudadela, papá. Je.


  5. Lindsay is absolutely fucked up, she makes Britney look normal :o

    In USA, jail for famous people is always a joke, don't you remember what happened with Paris Hilton? she ended up making a reality show out of her jail time, it doesn't work as a punishment but as a way to get people to talk about you and those are famewhores, desperate for any kind of publicity

    Her parents are actually to blame somehow, because they allowed her to do what she pleased and just wanted to live off her fame and fortune

    This is more or less like a reenactment of MJ's life, it's just that she doesn't have near the same talent but is as fucked up as he used to be

    (y a mi que me gusta tanto el inglés me has dado en la vena del gusto ;) )

  6. Natalie: as they say in a remote South American country (the world´s ass), it´s not ok to overpay for the whistle (no hay que dar más por el pito de lo que el pito vale).

    I can imagine now a reknown argentinian humorist, a true award winner, using some of these lines for some of his comics. He´s name is Nik and his character´s name is Gaturro.



Se agradecen todos los comentarios con ganas de aportar. Los que insultan serán automáticamente borrados así el autor sea Obama. Y a quejarse a La Haya, loco.